Sunday, April 16, 2017

Welcome (yet again)!

Easter Sunday, April 16, 2017 


Well, it’s obvious I’m a serial blog-creator as opposed to a serial blogger.
But this blog is specifically an archive of my posts from when I was doing my movie blog on Live Journal.
Historically, I’ve never really created much content with any regularity. Anyone who has dropped in with any regularity to my three other blogs can easily see that. However, of the three blogs I have, the one that I update the most is my film blog.
And, I used to have such a film blog on Live Journal.

But, back in 2013 when I was trying to add another post to LJ, it seemed to take forever and I impulsively decided to create a new film blog on Blogger. Also, there was crap going on with Live Journal being Russian owned and moving their servers from the U.S. to Russia. I kind of took it as a general cosmic sign to move on, so I did. Or, at least, I started another blog elsewhere (ie. Blogger, natch!).
Except, I always thought I could go and just visit my LJ blog to see old posts, etc.
And that may be the case, but recently there’s been more crap going on with Russia and LJ, and of a political nature. Advox has an article talking about some of these recent developments.
True, some of these developments probably would have no impact on my LJ blog at all, because I think it depends on the size of your blog’s readership. For instance, somewhere else I read an article talking about how the LJ User’s Agreement now classifies any LJ blog with a readership of 3,000 to be a "media site," so the content is under more scrutiny and can be dealt with legally if they (LJ? The Russian government?) feels you’re causing trouble. There is also the issue of a deliberate anti-LGBT bias now with regards to considering subject matter in blogs.
Again, I think my having a regular readership of less than double-digits (seriously) puts me beneath the censorship radar in so many ways. However, as an American, I kind of take for granted that you can say whatever you want and don’t have to worry about it. And I’m not talking about being intentionally inciteful, but simply discussing one’s opinion, etc.

Therefore, I figure I should simply bail out altogether from my Live Journal blog.
But, one of the reasons I started the blog in the first place was to document my supposed journey towards being a filmmaker. Plus, just documenting aspects of my life in general, so it was a variation of a diary reflecting my interests specifically through the prism of movies and filmmaking.
So, I want to be able to read these ridiculous, infrequent, typically pointless posts for my own purposes, just to see what I was thinking in the past and also what I may have been doing.

But, having said that, aside from my very personal stake in saving these posts, if the occasional reader happens to stumble onto this blog/archive and they find anything of interest, well, that’s awesome. And if you stopped by and discover you found nothing of value, well, thanks for stopping by in the first place!
I really appreciate it.

PS. BTW, in my Live Journal blog, as my profile pic a photo taken from behind-the-scenes of THE FINAL NIGHT AND DAY, a zombie film produced by DefTone Pictures Studios. I played a small role, Clay, one of a number of hardened convicts being cross-country transported by bus to another prison until they find themselves broken down and unable to make contact with authorities.They travel to a nearby town and find it over-run by zombies. I don’t live long in this film. Anyway, there’s a picture of me with a mullet, looking apropriately hardened and displaying a bite mark on my arm.
I was hopiong to make this picture my background photo for this blog, but, I can’t seem to locate it in my computer files.
Instead, I posted a group photo of the rest of the cons, plus the guards in charge:

(From left to right)
Guard Pete Powers (played by Timothy Dugan)
Guard Marshal Jones (Richard Satterwhite)
Clay (Terry Kimmel- me, duh!)
Henry (Bob Bozek)
Mo (Kyle Andrews)
Little John (John M. Przybysz-- RIP, man)
Axe (Mark Mendola)
Nick (Nicholas John Morgan Anderson)
Murdoch (Christopher Brechtel)
Nazi Boy George (Christopher Lee Wroblewski)
Guard Richard Jennings (Daniel George)

The photo was taken in front of co-writer, co-director, co-producer, co-cinematographer Adam Steigert’s house in Hamburg, NY before we headed off to do our first scenes with the “prison bus”.

The significance of this film is that it was the first film I invested any money into. Not much, just a $1000. And by “I”, I actually mean my dad’s money. But since it was my idea... WE invested the money. And that’s how “Impulsive Indo Investments” began, which was the name I came up with for our “company.”
Since then (2011), I coerced my dad, John Kimmel, into investing his money into some other films as well.
My dad passed away March 13, 2016 at the age of 90, but his "independent film producer" spirit lives on through me...

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