Wednesday, April 19, 2017


November 14, 2005

November 13

Yeah, yeah... I know this thing automatically dates the update. But I find myself composing these updates "outside" of the blogsite first because I'm so longwinded. A couple times I've been rambling away and then I got distracted by something and I wound up losing what I was going on about. So, now I start an e-mail to myself to save what I'm writing. But, the new problem is, I can't seem to get my brain or consciousness organized enough to get all my thoughts together for whatever I'm writing.
So, I leave it. And then come back later... either an hour later, a day later, a couple days, a week, oh look! a new administration! etc.
That's why you may see multiple dates during an update.

Also, I'm slowly learning about blogging etiquette courtesy of my wife, my sweet, suffering spouse. So, if you see me doing something really stupid or verboten, drop a quick comment to let me know and I'll stand guilty but try to fix whatever stupid thing I did for the next time, if that makes any sense. I'm just a big dope.

But... THAT'S not why I'm writing today.

The next bunch of updates I'm planning on springing on you, my sparse, non-commenting readers, are my accounts regarding the extra special experience I was quite fortunate to be a part of. I was a PA (production assistant) for a VERY low budget horror movie made in town (Buffalo, NY, if there are any out-of-towners reading this... wow, I can't believe I said that with a straight face!).

From Tuesday, November 1 to Tuesday, November 8, I worked full-time as a PA at the Buffalo Central Terminal, the primary location for the horror film, "Prison of the Psychotic Damned" (that's the working title, as far as I know).
The problem was, I was so busy running around setting up scenes that were to be shot or actually helping out on scenes as they were being shot and the days were so long, that I barely had enough energy to get back and forth from to the location, let alone write some notes on what I was doing. So I have to recreate, to the best of my ability, what I did each day. So please accept these recollections of the recent past as a reconstruction with some probable screw-ups in accuracy.

Nov. 14

Ultimately, the entire gig was a dream come true. I didn't really articulate that to myself until a couple days after it was all over. I was so busy I didn't really have a chance to process all my experiences, but now I'm trying to plow through it. And thinking back on some of last week's moments are a real pleasure for me. The unique situation of being able to work on a creative project all day, each day, for over a week was a real rarity for me and I'm grateful that I was able to be a part of such an experience. The fact that it was a horror film complete with several scenes of gruesome bloodletting (in various degrees) was an extra bonus.
I was very fortunate.

So the next dozen or so updates (more or less) will concentrate on that. Hope you find it interesting!
Later, cinephiles!

PS. Oh, MAN! That whole Movie Marathon idea really blew up in my face, huh? Sheesh! I didn't even do ONE day's worth of movies let alone 31 days. God, I suck!
Well, I still like the selection of movies I assembled, so I think I might plod through those films still, and comment on them as a sporadic aside. Of course, it might be a little jarring to read reviews of "Dead/Alive" or "Entrails of a Virgin" during the Thanksgiving or Christmas holidays, but what are you gonna do, hah?

You know, an appropriate name for my blog (well, a MORE appropriate name, perhaps), either for this one or the one I have at, could also have been "Better Late than Never." Which is sad, because philosophically, that's almost a GOAL I set for myself. Which probably explains alot.

But the goal of this blog is two-fold right now: to force me to watch movies (particularly DVDs I own and have yet to watch) and to motivate me to start making movies, somehow, some way.
So, we'll see how well I do, huh?


Mood: moody

Listening to: Van Morrison MOONDANCE


FROM: sylvanwitch
Nov. 15, 2005


I love you, you big goofball, ya!

[Card, baby I’m the whole deck!]

Nov. 17, 2005

mwah mwah mwah!
Hey, actual evidence of a reader! Thank you!
As an extra special thank you, I’ll just have to tuck you in tonight…

FROM: (Anonymous)
Jan. 23, 2007

            For the record
            I screened Cannibal Holocaust at Thanksgiving, it made us think about oppressing native peoples AND eating; I thought it seemed appropriate.


Jan 23, 2007

            Ha ha ha ha ha

            You’re absolutely correct!
            And from that point of view, ENTRAILS OF A VIRGIN doesn’t so grotesque… um, kind of. I mean, it sounds more like an exotic menu item, now.
            So, if you watched this film with more than one person… afterwards, did anybody volunteer to bring the Thanksgiving film for NEXT year?

Welcome back to April 20, 2017

Well, I found it exciting to read this post about PRISON OF THE PSYCHOTIC DAMNED. That’s the GOOD news.

The BAD news (and I anticipated this) is that I don’t follow through on what I said I was going to do.
Specifically, "So the next dozen or so updates (more or less) will concentrate on that,” meaning I was going to tell you about working on that film. I looked ahead and I do not. Not only do I NOT write about this experience (which seems the PERFECT subject matter for a damn film blog, son-of-a-bitch!), I think my very next post is even MORE ultra-lame in that I try to “attract” readers by posting, like, weird movie questions. Like, I go all, “Hey, let’s have a contest!” I start pandering and playing games! And this goes on for several posts, I’m sorry to say.

Ugh. Very sad and extremely disappointing.
Having said that, maybe I can try and rectify things by writing about the experiences now (to the best of my feeble ability), using this post as a springboard. But, I’ll post it in my current blog, Behold! The Wanna-Be Filmmaker/Full-time Name Dropper! I’ll let you know when that happens...

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